Austin meetup (Dec 12)

Join us for the last event of 2024! The suggested topic is "growth industries". Where are you seeing opportunities for growth and/or rollups?
At this event there will be new faces. We've combined the Austin Search & Operators Happy Hour (by Nate Niehuus) and the Austin SMB Search Club (by Henry Carter and Dan Jensen). Come make friends with searchers and investors you haven't met yet.
Thursday December 12, 2024
5:30-7:30 pm
Sholz Garten
1607 San Jacinto Blvd
Austin, TX 78701
Park on the street (or in a garage) anywhere nearby, then come inside and find us near the giant $100 bill 💵
Optional RSVP
Feel free to RSVP on our event page.
If you're looking to build even more connections, join the EBIT Searcher Community on Whatsapp!